
World Summit
Against Cancer for the New Millenium
Charter of Paris: 4 February 2000
the considerable strides that have been taken in the fight against
cancer, survival outcomes vary dramatically throughout the world -
not just between countries, not just between cities, but even between
institutions within the same city. Wide variations in standards of
care and access to quality cancer care are a major cause of these
discrepancies -- and the often unnecessary morbidity and mortality
that result.
The parties reaffirm Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, which states that every individual "has the right to a standard
of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of
his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care." Given
the ubiquitous presence of cancer and its impact on society the parties
commit to promote quality cancer care within the local economic context
for all individual. The parties therefore endeavor to promote:
1. Evidence-based medical practice and clear definition of "quality
care" according to all available scientific evidence.
2. Systematic development of guidelines based on the best available
evidence for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care.
3. Appropriate prioritization of quality anti-cancer care at every
level of healthcare provision, consistent with the total burden of
4. Intensified cancer specialization and better integration of care
among medical disciplines.
5. Widespread patient access to high quality clinical trials.
