Charter of Paris
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World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millenium
Charter of Paris: 4 February 2000

Article 6

It is an uncontested fact that early detection of cancer for any or all of the two hundred or more varieties, leads to a better outcome for the patient. Importantly, the treatment of several recognizable pre-cancerous conditions also can prevent cancer. Fear and ignorance of signs and symptoms of cancer or precancerous conditions are common, however, and by its nature cancer can be insidious and difficult to detect without a screening intervention. It is also known that early detection is particularly important for those people at high risk of cancer, due to lifestyle, environment, occupation, family predisposition or low socio-economic status.

Recognition that the earliest symptoms of cancer can be confused with common illnesses further emphasizes the need for effective screening and attentive medical diagnosis. Screening methodology to identify cancer early can extend from simple observation, laboratory tests and x-ray examinations to more sophisticated examinations, all of which have proven value in the early detection of several cancers. In addition to education about cancer prevention, implementation of screening programs -- within economic possibilities -- should be a prime objective to reduce the cancer burden. These screening programs must be coupled with access to quality treatment in order to be effective.

The parties undertake to accelerate the development and widespread application of proven and emerging screening technologies, such that all individuals who might benefit from screening will do so, irrespective of race or socio-economic status.

The Charter of Paris Preamble
Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Article 5
Article 6 Article 7 Article 8 Article 9 Article 10