World Summit
Against Cancer for the New Millenium
Charter of Paris: 4 February 2000
Deeply troubled by the profound and universal impact of
cancer on human life, human suffering, and on the productivity of nations,
Committed to the humanitarian treatment and equal partnership
of people with cancer in the ongoing effort against this disease,
Anticipating the rapidly rising tide of cancer incidence
throughout the globe, in developed and developing nations alike,
Recognizing the need for intensified innovation in all
avenues of cancer research, prevention and healthcare delivery,
Believing that quality healthcare is a basic human right,
Acknowledging that currently achievable improvements in
cancer survival remain unrealized, due to inadequate emphasis on prevention,
inadequate funding and unequal access to quality cancer care,
Certain that lives can and will be saved by increased
access to existing technologies,
Aspiring to nothing less than an invincible alliance --
between researchers, healthcare professionals, patients, government,
industry and media -- to fight cancer and its greatest allies, which
are fear, ignorance and complacency…
We, the undersigned, in order to prevent and cure cancer, and to maintain
the highest quality of life for those living with and dying from this
disease, fully commit and hold ourselves accountable to the principles
and practices outlined herein.